Thank you for your interest in freedom here at Testimony Church. We believe God’s plan for his children is to walk freely and victoriously as a result of Jesus’ finished work on the cross!

John 8:32 is a great reminder of the power that is contained in God’s word and it tells us that we shall come to know the truth, Jesus, and truth will set us free!

We have all experienced things in our lives that have played a major role in shaping our identity, our thoughts, our emotions, and our perception of who we are and how God sees us as individuals. Our prayer is that we can assist you in discovering the truth about how God sees you and who He says you are in Him and allowing that truth to begin the process of freedom in your life!

We truly care about each and every person that walks through the doors of our church, and we want to be a part of your journey to experience freedom. Below, you will find some very helpful links that will assist you in furthering your understanding of what we mean when we talk about freedom. We also want you to know that there is a commitment that you will need to make to do your part in this process. Freedom Ministry is not like a car wash where you just “drive-through” at your convenience to get some “dirt” washed off and then go on about your business as usual. Walking in Freedom is a life-long commitment.

If you are ready to make the commitment and begin your freedom journey, then our Freedom Ministry Team is here to help! Just let us know you are ready to take the next step and we will keep you informed of upcoming opportunities to engage with our Freedom Ministry Team.

We’re excited to see you go through this process and experience freedom for the rest of your life!

God Bless You
Pastor Cody Mahon

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Born to Be Free

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Blessing & Curses

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